Commercial 3D Printers vs Small-Scale Printers: Pros, Cons, and Comparison

May 25, 2022


3D printing is a rapidly growing industry with a wide variety of printers to choose from. From industrial-scale printers to desktop-sized machines, it can be challenging to decide which one is the best fit for your needs.

In this blog post, we will compare commercial 3D printers and small-scale printers by listing their pros and cons. By the end of this article, you will have a more informed understanding of which printer is the best fit for your needs.

Commercial 3D Printers


  • Higher quality: Commercial printers can produce high-quality prints with greater accuracy and precision.
  • Faster printing speed: These printers are designed to print at a much faster speed than small-scale printers.
  • Larger build volumes: Commercial 3D printers can create larger objects than small-scale printers.
  • Continuous operation: Commercial printers rarely need to stop printing, making them ideal for high volume printing.


  • High cost: These machines have a much higher price point than small-scale printers, making them less accessible for hobbyists and small businesses.
  • Require frequent maintenance: Commercial printers are designed to be used frequently, meaning they require regular maintenance to keep working at optimal levels.

Small-Scale Printers


  • Affordable: These printers are much more budget-friendly than commercial printers, making them accessible to hobbyists and small businesses. Some small-scale printers can cost as little as a few hundred dollars.
  • Easy to use: Small-scale printers are designed to be user-friendly and straightforward, making them suitable for beginners.
  • Low maintenance: These printers require minimal maintenance, making them ideal for intermittent use or occasional printing.


  • Lower quality: Small-scale printers do not have the same level of accuracy or precision as commercial printers, meaning that the print quality is often lower.
  • Limited print size: These printers can only create small to medium-sized objects.
  • Slow printing speed: Small-scale printers work at a slower speed, making them less ideal for time-sensitive or high-volume printing.


Commercial 3D Printers Small-Scale Printers
Quality High Low
Cost High Low
Build Volume Large Small
Printing Speed Fast Slow
Maintenance Frequent Low


The decision between a commercial 3D printer and a small-scale printer mostly depends on your usage scenario. If you require a higher level of accuracy and speed, then a commercial printer is the right choice. However, if you're on a tight budget or only occasionally print small objects, then a small-scale printer is the better option.

Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your specific needs and budget. Always consider the features and advantages of each type of printer before making your decision.


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